Character Analysis Of Sookan In 'Year Of Impossible Goodbyes'

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In the memoir Year of Impossible Goodbyes, Sookan changes from someone is curious and scared, and becomes someone who is Brave. This change is seen in three moments when Sookan doesn't lower her gaze during Captian Narita's investigation, When Sookan sands her shards of glass smooth, and during their escape when Sookan becomes Inchun's "mother". My first example is after Captian Narita discovered Kisa's birthday party and is examining Sookan and her family. Sookan doesn't lower her gaze, but everyone in Sookan's family knows that Captian Narita is dangerous, and should be respected. "Except for Grandfather's and mine, everyone's eyes were lowered in silence" (Sook Nyul Choi 27). This quote marks the beginning of Sookan's change. This is …show more content…

Smoothing a dozen or so stones isn't going to make any difference in a battle, but it made a difference in their minds. It wasn't that they were helping in the war effort, but in their minds they weren't helping the Japanese against their will. My third example is when Sookan becomes a second mother to Inchun. This took place during the escape, and was after they had been separated from their real mother. "I felt like crying, too, but I told Inchun it would be all right"(147). This quote portrays the relationship that has formed between Sookan and her brother, Inchun. This quote also shows how far Sookan has come, from not lowering her gaze, to making dull weapons, to Escaping her bad situation and becoming a second mother to her brother. Because of these changes, Sookan is now a person who can take charge, and be a leader. She has gained trust, loyalty, and has gained a new respect from her younger brother Inchun. Sookan started off as a shy person who depended on the protection of her family. Throughout the book she was forced to make decisions that were out of her comfort zone, and because of that she become more comfortable in those situations. Anyone can make changes in their life, you just have to want to change or be in a situation that

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