Character Analysis Of Mee Maw, By Ray And Lori Jean

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Mee Maw
Ray and Lori Jean had experienced some of the same abusive pain in their lives as children. The difference was that Lori Jean had someone who loved her and taught her early on about life and faith. Mee-Maw was respected by all the character’s in the book. I thought this to be of true Southern significance. Mee-Maw’s role was so great that when she died Ray took advantage of her death. Her death opened the door for him to move in, take her money, verbal and physical abuse of Lori Jean and her mother. Not only did her grandma, Mee-Maw, teach her about life and faith, she also taught her about wisdom and strength. Mee-Maw was such a great influence on Lori Jean. I believed, while reading the novel, that when Mee-Maw died, she left …show more content…

She taught Lori-Jean respect, love, forgiveness, gentleness and compassion. Throughout the book Lori-Jean would often reflect back on something Mee-Maw had told her. Lori Jean would then use that recollection to make her choice. Lori Jean was raised by a multitude of adults. All of the adults were oppressed, underserved and lower class. Yet, some of them had a kind of pride that shined like a golden coin. It was a kind of pride that runs deeps. A pride that is not spoken of, but instead viewed on the outside. All of the adults who helped raise her dealt with a variety of social ghosts. The lower class folk were always treated like they were less than. No matter how hard they worked. Lori Jean’s family were close and helped one another as much as …show more content…

I would estimate that to be in the 1930’s. However, in the 1930’s therapeutic interventions did not exist. I will, therefore, attempt to state what I would do in current times. If Ray were to come into a facility that I was working in, I would first obtain a brief history. It would be my hope that I would have also attained information over the phone or via internet prior to his first appointment. With that initial information I would assemble a team. This team would work with Ray to establish a treatment plan best suited to assist Ray with this anger and drinking. Of course, Ray would need to be willing to take the first step. He would also need to commit to AA. I would attempt to work with Ray to recount the abuse of his childhood in an attempt to gain some amount of healing. My personal belief about childhood sexual abuse is that you can never overcome it. You can only learn to accept that it happened, that is was not your fault, and that someone should have protected you. Regardless, Ray had a long road of healing ahead of him. If he continued to be abusive towards Lori Jean and her mother I would be forced to

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