Character Analysis Of Lizzie From 'The Walking Dead'

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Episode 14 of season 4 of The Walking Dead describes the death of Lizzie after she murders her sister, Mika. After having survived in the dangerous post-apocalyptic world of The Walking Dead for a long time, Lizzie is still confused over what the “walkers” actually are, to the extent that she refers to them as pets, and even ends up murdering her sister in an attempt to bring her the joy of the life of her perception of a walker. Their caretakers, Carol and Tyreese, decide that Lizzie can no longer be permitted to live when she is such a threat to the people around her. Especially to the baby with them, Judith. However, killing Lizzie may have been a step too far down the wrong path. Killing people for their misunderstandings seems extreme. …show more content…

Within The Walking Dead, the prominent definition is that justice is the advantage of the stronger. Every instance of survival or safety is dominated by one or two corrupt individuals in charge, who create conflict that leads to the continued movement of the protagonist’s group. The main group is controlled by some dictator or governor in charge, who does not see justice in the same manner that the others do, leading to conflict and failures of each safe haven. As such, Plato’s condemnation of that definition of justice is proven time and time again. The advantage of the stronger ends up failing again and again, showing the true failures of that definition of justice. Even in the case of Lizzie and Mika, Carol and Tyreese are definitely the individuals with the greater strength, and make decisions based on what they believe to be correct. They lose track of Lizzie on several occasions, which serves to undermine their “just” rule, because for all their strength, they cannot seem to keep track of Lizzie's location. Their continued failures lead to Lizzie’s eventual opportunity to kill her sister, and the subsequent decisions afterwards. Even in the smaller group of just 5 people, 3 of which being children, the stronger’s failures to see what is truly right vs wrong, leads to the death of two …show more content…

For them, the internal struggle they feel coincides with the beginning of the apocalypse. They both live in a world where they can only see survival. The shadows before them serve to show only their need for survival, when there is so much more in the world to understand, learn, and experience. Survival and safety are all that matters to them, and this causes them to believe that Lizzie has become a threat to their group, so they execute her. She may have been misguided even further by another internal puppeteer, or perhaps she was a kind of philosopher who had realized the reality of the walkers. It is impossible to know what the truth is now, as Lizzie is dead, and Carol and Tyreese made no effort to understand why she believed what she did. They saw only survival and safety as they know it. Their minds were cut off from the light that could be just out of their

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