Character Analysis Of Jem Finch In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Jem Finch is a very interesting young man. Throughout the story To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem shows a lot of different but spectacular traits. Being born the son of Atticus Finch empowered him to strive to be a good and caring person. This young man goes through many different changes from the start of the book to the end. Although physically and emotionally changing, Jem’s traits of creativity, bravery, and the will to understand why things happen, never change. No matter the age of the person, creativity is something that we all hold within ourselves. Children are well known for their creative sides, from coloring interesting pictures, to coming up with songs about food. Jem shows us his creative side when he comes up with the Boo Radley game for his sister and friend to play (Lee pg. 42). Another example of his creativity is when snow has fallen in Maycomb County and he decides to show his sister the amazing ways of building a snow/dirt man (Lee pg. 69-71). Just like other children, Jem shows creativity in many …show more content…

Not everyone can look at life the way he does. There will always be situations in life that we may not always understand, but how we react to them is what really matters. Atticus must represent a black man named Tom Robinson on trail and Scout doesn’t take things every well when a boy named Walter cunningham says something about Atticus but Jem comes to the rescue telling Scout that these things are going to happen and not to react the way she did (Lee pg. 24-25). Finally, while the trail is still going on Jem's Aunt Alexandra must come live with him and his family although Scout doesn't understand why this must happen Jem fully understands with the trail still going on things are going to get rough leaving the need for Aunt Alexandra to live with them ( Lee pg. 129-130). These examples show how well Jem can understand situations that are beyond his

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