Character Analysis Of Catcher In The Rye

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In this novel the main character, Holden’s life is narrated. It talks about his everyday life like not getting along with his roomates at his school, meeting up with old friends he used to know, and visiting his younger sister phoebe. At one point in the book you learn that Holden’s brother Allie has passed away due to cancer. Throughout the book Holden acts like a child, but also goes to the bar, drinks, and smokes. In Catcher in the Rye, Salinger expresses that grieving the loss of a loved one simultaneously makes one mature, but also creates a period of time where one is unable to move on and grow up.
When Holden’s roommate Stradlater comes home from being on a date with one of Holden’s old friend Jane. Holden is very upset to find out …show more content…

He replies with talking about how he would want to be the catcher in the rye.“What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff- I mean if they're running and they don’t look where they’re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That’s all I’d do all day…. That’s the only thing I’d really like to be.” (Salinger 173) .As Holden explains this made up job of being the catcher in the rye. He shows how he matured and wants to be responsible for the many lives of these children not looking where they are going. Holden has deep feelings where he wants to save the family’s of these children from the same greving and pain that he and his family had to go through. In this next quote, Salinger explains that one can not only mature by thinking like an adult, but doing adult activities. Holden while in the Lavender Room starts to explain how he is able to order an alcoholic beverage skill being underage. “I ordered a Scotch and soda, and told him not to mix it-I said it fast as hell, because if you hem and haw, they think you’re under twenty-one and won’t sell you any intoxicating liquor” (Salinger 69). Holden orders his drink very quickly because he is aware that if you order slowly one will not be sold any alcohol. Holden knowing this shows that he has experience ordering intoxication drinks and has been drinking for awhile. Because of his brothers recent death he matures and uses this alcohol to escape the stresses in his own life. It is demonstrated in the next quote that one will mature because of the grieving of a loved one and not only go to adult activities but start to think like one too. As Holden is stopping by Phoebe’s school to drop of a note for her, he notices that somebody has written obscene words on the wall of the school. When he sees this he can’t help getting very upset about it. “I saw something that drove me crazy.

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