Character Analysis Of Aylmer In Georgian's Birthmark '

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Aylmer is trying to get rid of Georgiana’s birthmark to boost his scientific ego and human arrogance. If he accomplishes the removal, not only will his wife be perfect in his eyes, but he thinks he will gain the respect of many. “ ‘Ah, wait for this one success,” rejoined he, ‘then worship me if you will. I shall deem myself hardly unworthy of it. But come, I have sought you for the luxury of your voice. Sing to me, dearest.’ “ (page 15) This excerpt connects with the idea of Aylmer being self centered. He believes his wife and other people will worship the grass he stands on if he succeeds with the removal. In this quote, he tells Georgiana to worship him if she would like, but in his head, he knows she will do more than just that. He expects

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