Chapter Summary: The Life Of Pi Spring Break Homework

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Josiah Rodrigues
Mr. Atkins
English 10 Honors
Period 1
March 28, 2017
The Life of Pi Spring Break Homework
In the novel The Life of Pi, written by Yann Martel, Pi a man of many religions, survives a lifechanging shipwreck and spends months in a lifeboat with a large Bengal tiger named Richard Parker trying to survive.
In the beginning of Life of Pi, Yann Martel went in depth about Pi’s childhood and youth. Pi was teased in school, because his birthname was Piscine Molitor Pate. Since Piscine sounds like “pissing” he was teased and humiliated at school, therefore he decided to change his name to Pi.
Pi is a man of many religions. Pi’s first religion was Hinduism, because of his natural love of its spirituality and beauty. Shortly after becoming a Hindu Pi finds himself in a Catholic church, where he falls in love with the story of Christ. Even after following two religions Pi became a Muslim, after the second Mr. Satish Kumar explains to …show more content…

A terrible storm occurs during the voyage at night which later sank the Tsimtsum. Pi, was very excited to see the storm, therefore Pi went onto the ship’s deck to see the lighting. As the ship began to fill with water a crew member threw Pi overboard and into a lifeboat where he spends the next 277 days. However, what Pi didn’t know was that the crew member threw Pi into the lifeboat not to save his life but rather to protect themselves hoping that Pi would be a decoration to all the wild animals. The next morning, Pi finds himself accompanied by an injured zebra, a vicious eating hyena, and a matronly orangutan named Orange Juice. However, hiding out of sight, beneath the canvas of the lifeboat, is the tiger Richard Parker. The hyena wounds and eats the zebra, then goes after Orange Juice. The hyena also eats Orange Juice. Therefore, Richard Parker finally makes himself known by killing and eating the

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