Chapter Summary By Lemony Snicket

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Lemony Snicket is the main character of this book. It is kind of like an autobiography but its not all true facts. The other major characters are the volunteers of V.F.D.. There are many minor characters that were in the books. Each chapter had their own minor characters. The antagonist were everybody that was trying to figure out where V.F.D. was. The setting of this book was all of the places in the other books. Each chapter had letters from a person in that number of the book, ex. book 3 chapter 3. It is actually just a fictional place that nobody knows where at. Each person that writes a letter to Lemony and tells a little bit about where they are at. Based on the pictures and telegraphs that they used I think that …show more content…

Lemony Snicket describes how his writing life came to be. He grew up near a dairy farm. So whenever he would write an entry in his diary, he would write Dear Dairy instead. It tells you what each of the chapters are about. The next part tells how he became a member of V.F.D.. When he was a little boy, somebody came into his house and picked him up by his feet. They took him to a different country, then brought him back. Many letters were written back and forth between his siblings and other people. The climax of this story would be when Lemony Snicket finds out that he died. People everywhere wanted him dead for some reason. He went to his own grave service and there were tons of people. People heard about it through the Daily Punctilio, a not very reliable newspaper. That is why he wrote the rest of the book. He didn’t want to lose it all. This book ended by him putting pictures in and wondering what they meant. He wanted to find a way to get Dr. Montgomery’s house, or around there. Lemony Snicket wanted to find what happend to all of his snakes. At the end it kind of tells you information you really don’t need to know about. It ends with some common questions about

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