Chapter 3 Summary Of The Universe Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 talks about the life and function of a black hole. The term black hole was originated by a scientist named John Wheeler. To understand the birth of a black hole, the knowledge of the life cycle of a star is crucial. A star is formed when a large amount of gas (mostly made of from hydrogen) collapsed on itself and the atoms collide. At some point the heat will be so high due to the collision of atoms that all motion will stop which is what causes a star to shine. When a star runs out of hydrogen, we can determine what will happen by using the scale made by Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar called the Chandrasekhar limit. On page 109 of A Brief History of Time says, “a cold star of more than about one and a half times the mass of the sun …show more content…

Stephen Hawking is trying to tell us that as human civilizations developed, we began to learn more things about the universe and our species. We gradually begin to learn news things and understands concepts about the universe. In present day, we are studying so much about what the universe is instead of understanding why the universe is here. Why are we here? Stephen Hawking wants to tell us that at some point, we will learn the universe and understand who we are, why we’re here, and how the universe functions. I do believe that Stephen Hawking did achieve their purpose of explaining the concepts of our universe such as black holes, wormholes, and time & space. Stephen Hawking describes in detail of how the universe works. Stephen Hawking also wanted us to understand how the teachings of the universe gradually developed as human civilization developed. I think that Stephen Hawking explained it well in Chapter 1 page 3 in A Brief History of …show more content…

I feel like Stephen Hawking puts a lot of depth in things such as what is the meaning of life, why are we here, what is our purpose, etc. It really begins to make no sense to me of why Stephen Hawking would go in more depth in concepts such as these. This can be found in Page 1 of Chapter 12 in A Brief History of Time. Sometimes, Stephen Hawking makes concepts too hard to understand in some areas. I understand that Physics is a hard topic to understand, but making some concepts easier to understand would be prefferred. This can be found in Page 2 of Chapter 11 in A Brief History of Time where Stephen Hawking says, “The idea was to combine the spin-2 particle called the graviton, which carries the gravitational force, with certain other particles of spin 3/2, 1, ½, and 0. In a sense, all these particles could then be regarded as different aspects of the same “superparticle,” thus unifying the matter particles with spin ½ and 3/2 with the force-carrying particles of spin 0, 1, and 2. “ This was too hard for me to understand what Mr.Hawking was trying to

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