Chapter 1: The Basic Lesson In The School Of Failure

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Chapter 1: The Basic Lesson in the School of Failure 20 Undisputable Facts About Adversity, Defeat, Failure and Disappointment Failure is always a demoralizing and upsetting experience for any man or woman. Nobody likes to be enrolled into the school of adversity or failure. But the truth of life is that you cannot ALWAYS stop difficult things from happening to you. What you can control is your reaction to them. Failure is a mind trapper. It traps and enslaves your mind into accepting that you have come to the end of the road in your life’s journey and that you can never succeed again in life. I will need to tell you that unless you learn to respond to failures in spiritually radical ways, they can paralyze you, demotivate you, and limit your likelihood of success and going forward in life and ministry. You will need to know that in God, defeat, boredom, lack of success in your life are symptoms or signs indicating that you need to start afresh in accordance with Isaiah 43:18-19 The current situation you are passing through which has limited your destiny …show more content…

It is usually an amazing site. Most babies never succeed the first time; they make the attempt to walk, fail in the process, even fall and cry. But something very interesting often happens. THE BABY TRIES AGAIN. The process of failure and re-trial become a daily experience that lasts a couple of months and until the baby gets it right and begins running all over the place, having fun and making progress in the life’s journey. Those same legs that could not stand and walk at the beginning, eventually gained balance, became firm and able to stand and even to run. How? Trial and error. To succeed in most things, failure is often involved. Therefore, if you want to succeed in life you must be ready to experience failure which you must take as a tonic to make you desire to try and try again until success is

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