Changing A Flat Tire

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Say you are driving on the road and all of a sudden you run over a nail. Would you know how to change your flat tire? Believe it or not, it is a lot more complicated to change a flat tire than it looks. There are a lot more steps to it than you would normally think. It takes several steps to change the tire on a car. In the beginning, you need to move your car to a safe area. It is very dangerous to jack a car up on uneven ground because there is a chance that your car could roll over. “Stop the car on a level stop, it is unsafe to jack up a car on an incline.” First, you need to jack the car up. To do this, you take the jack from the truck of your car, place it in the designated area under your car, and turn the bar protruding from it until …show more content…

According to the D.M.V. Team, you should “Pull out the jack and the tire, and make sure the tire is in good shape. If your spare is flat, get it fixed.” What the D.M.V. Team is trying to say here is that if your spare tire is bad, then it will not do you very much good. Next, you need to take off the deflated tire. To do this, you need to lift up slightly on the deflated tire and slide it off of the five bars that it rotates on. After that, you need to put on the new tire. To do this, you need to simply reverse the step above. Also, you need to replace the lug nuts. To do this, you need to screw on one of the lug nuts loosely, go opposite that one, screw that lug nut on loosely, go opposite that one, screw that lug on loosely, and repeat until all of the lug nuts are on. Then, you need to go and tighten all the lug nuts, in no particular order. Finally, you need to jack your car back down. To do this, you would turn the protruding bar until you can remove the jack from under the car. You would then place the jack back into the trunk of the car and shut the trunk. (D.M.V. Team.) It takes several steps to change a tire on a car. Now, you can continue on your way to McDonald’s. Those fries are not going to eat themselves! You did burn off some calories changing that tire though, so I think that you have earned that

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