Change In The Scarlet Letter

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The Changing of The “A”
“It is society which, fashioning us in its image, fills us with religious, political , and moral beliefs that control our actions” by Emile Durkheim. People in the present world do not even know their real self because of society; Society shapes us to be who we are. Not only does society shape us it also judges people by what they do. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the symbol of the letter “A” changes from adultery, to ability, to angel, then to the living persona of Pearl.
Puritans believed individuals who were found to have sex outside of marriage faced strict punishments. Hester had sexual relations with a man, which who was not her husband. The puritans punished her miserably by making …show more content…

Hester created the scarlet letter so beautifully that her work sprouted and eventually was seen on the governor, military men, the minister, babies, and even the dead. “Many people refused to interpret the scarlet “A” by its original signification. They said that it meant Able; so strong was Hester Prynne, with a woman's strength." (Hawthorne pg 148). Hester was such a strong and independent woman. Not only did Hester not have a man to help her raise pearl, she possessed an art that would supply food for her child and herself. Hester was able to do many things by herself and for …show more content…

1:14). Hester has been compared to an angel, but is not literally an angel. Instead, her actions led her to be known as the angel of mercy. "...which we interpret to stand for Angel. For as our good Governor Winthrop was made an angel this past night, it was doubtless held fit that there should be some notice thereof." (Hawthorne pg 145). Ms. Prynne did something not many individuals back in the puritans society would have not done, in which, she gave to the poor and desperate. Hester made such positive actions, consequently, the symbolic meaning of the “A” was changed to the public view as an angel.
Many readers would conclude that Pearl is the spawn of Satan. Pearl was a wild child; she was her mother's daughter. “...Above all, the warfare of Hester's spirit, at that epoch, was perpetuated in Pearl." (Hawthorne 83. Basically, each time Hester lays eyes upon Pearl she is reminded of her sin and adultery. Since the majority viewed Pearl as the spawn of satan and reminds Hester of her negative actions; pearl is the living

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