Chameleons Research Paper

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Have you ever noticed how chameleons change color to blend in with their environment? Well this is true, chameleons change their color to camouflage themselves and to show their emotions. This unique reptile is often known for it’s ability to change on the spot. This concept of changing pigments is not fully understood by many people. Physics is used to describe these adjustments in hue. Surviving in the wild is extremely tough. Each animal has evolved in a special way in order to remain on this earth. The true physics behind why chameleons change their color under certain circumstances goes all the way down to the chameleon’s cell makeup. According to LiveScience, “Scientists have found that chameleons have two superposed thick layers of iridophore cells.” These cells are interesting in the fact that they have both pigment and can reflect light. These iridescent cells are were formed by thousands of tiny crystals that are able to adjust their network. Adjusting the network of crystals allows the chameleons to change color (Geggel). This shift in arrangement changes the way light reflects off of the chameleon’s surface allowing the reptile to blend into …show more content…

The reptile I painted has camouflaged itself into the tree by changing the structure of it’s iridophore cells. The legs of the chameleon have changed to a light neon green to blend in with the moss on the tree. The whole body of the chameleon is brown just like the tree. If another animal is nearby, they will not know that there is another animal right in front of them. The chameleon’s ability to change color by changing the arrangement of their crystals allows the chameleons to hide from other animals. The mouth and torso of the chameleon in my painting has turned a light green to mix in with the leaves right behind it. The chameleon has changed the arrangement of it’s iridophore cells, so now it reflects the colors in contact with

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