Censorship In Iran

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Over the years, there have been repeated efforts to find the roots of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s intentions and motivations. This has also led in attempts to define its political culture with its ever-expanding history. A rich and ancient nation, Iran has historically been suspicious of outsiders. This maze of political factors and western audience’s lack of access to Iran since the Islamic Revolution has produced a view of the Islamic Republic of Iran that can be misconstrued. Misunderstanding that places too much emphasis on Iran’s unique characteristics often define this view. For the world to grow and bring about genuine cultural exchange the nation state must have all aspects taken into account. The cultural landscape of Iran deserves a genuine understanding for the sake of diplomacy and the United States to further its strategic goals within the Middle East. (Jerrold D. Green, Frederic Wehrey, Charles Wolf, Jr. “Understanding Iran.” Rand.org)
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Censorship exists as a common practice through all forms of media. Those who pursue unapproved media risk facing actions taken by the Iranian government that are considered to violate human rights. The government of Iran is repeatedly in focus of human rights organizations but does not appear to take judgment from these organizations into account. The most important and controversial issue between Iran and the west is the nuclear status of the country and the agreements made possible by cooperation with the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany. The political landscape continues to evolve and any former negative feeling towards the west may give to the actions of the current Iranian regime. This is highly dependent on what the nation’s leadership sees and most likely to advance progress. Although the benefits of developing long lasting political ties exists, it may take trial and error to find the correct formula for success in collaborating with the

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