Cell Phones and Text Messages

975 Words2 Pages

Everyone in the world uses forms of communication to express feelings, thoughts, ideas, and have general conversations amongst each other. Yet in today's society a small object has taken over, even ruined the process of communication between humans. What is that object? It's called the cell phone.
People are becoming more dependent on their cell phones for communication and daily activities. The cell phone includes features from a wide range of being operated like a personal computer to a short simple text message. The rise of cell phone users and text messages has increasingly grown in the last decade. Text messaging has a more effect on today's society especially for young users. People would rather type a few words and be done with the conversation, rather than talk to an actual person. With the way society is now this could inflict social problems for the future. The uses of cell phones and text messages have forever changed the way society has conversations. Eliminating the way people can read body language or facial expressions.
The cell phone has changed the way people communicate as a whole. People do not have face conversations anymore; they call each other on the phone, or better yet send a text message. This has made talking and texting people more convenient. For instance, one would be able to be at the grocery store shopping while the other was out getting an oil change, still having a conversation that can carry on. People used to have sit down conversations that could take minutes to hours of talking. Now it's more simplified to have a quick response instead of an obligated time. Cell phones have even taken over the home telephone to almost being obsolete, letting people be more multitasking in daily events. No...

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...ose the human contact of others. How would you know if someone was yelling at you from a text? The punctuation isn't enough to describe an emotion from a text because it's used throughout for different meanings. When texting becomes all that you do it takes away that personal connection among humans. It's like a conversation that went silent. People learn how to read body language from encountering the ways people use hand gestures and facial expressions. That's how young kids develop social skills and with text messaging taking over who knows how this will affect interpersonal social skills.
In order for people to continue to have intellectual conversations with each other we must have gestures and tone. If society continues to use cell phones as they do for all communications eventually body language and reading facial expressions will be something of the past.

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