Causes Of Reconstruction Dbq

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Between 1860 and 1877, America experienced a number of constitutional and social changes, as a result of the Republican election and loss of southern power that lead to the Civil War, and the reconstruction efforts that would follow, inevitably proving unsuccessful. During this period, the south, and the freedmen left residing in southern states as well, had to adjust to a new society, driven by constitutional developments such as the Emancipation Proclamation, and later, the 13th amendment, which freed slaves and left them to assimilate into a white civilization. These freedmen gained the rights to vote, hold positions of power in congress, serve in the army, and own land- which although would not last for a very long period- would prove to …show more content…

This mindset is shown in Document 1, as South Carolina and other southern states now felt like the only option to regain their congressional power and rights as individual states was to secede. South Carolina proposed this declaration as a statement to the union that they would no longer be a part of America, and wanted their own independence from a nation that they had believed to have given them nothing but tyranny. However, the union would inevitably win the Civil War, and began to construct a nation without southern influence, providing rights to the newly freed slaves with the 13th amendment, and creating a more nationalistic economy. Document Two illustrates this shift from the regionally based economies that thrived in the south to a more unified, national economy, as the speech was given during the time that Salmon P. Chase’s financial plan was being put into effect. During this time, the Republican Party had completely stomped out any semblance of southern power in government, and had given themselves free reign to create a new economy without southern opposition, shown in Chase’s financial plan, which called for a national bank, an income tax, and the Morrill tariff. Senator John Sherman gives this speech to congress, in order to praise the new economic policy, and warn his audience in congress that they should continue to pursue a more national economy. This was a revolutionary change in economic policy, because it exhibited the shift from southern power structures and constitutional economic policies to a new, nationalized

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