Causes Of Cancer

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What Causes Cancer?
For years people have tried to figure out one big question. What is the real cause of cancer? After much research, the statistics say that cancer is a disease of the modern world (Stevenson 1). A few main factors that cause cancer are the use of tobacco, industrial agents, and a person’s weight and diet. (Landau 2-4). The modern environment and everyday lifestyle of people contain factors that cause cancer.
Scientist have done research that has shown Ancient Egyptian mummies were without any cancer or tumors. They are sure of this because during mummification, these types of things are kept inside the body. The absence of cancerous tumors in Ancient Egyptians show their rarity during these days. This indicates that cancer causing factors are restricted to societies with modern industry such as ours (Stevenson 1).
Most cancer happens at different rates in other parts of the world. Lifestyle can increase a person’s risk for cancer because it can affect cells that are prepared to become cancerous by helping them grow. The environment can change genes which cause them to be cancerous in the first place. An abnormal cell is what causes a tumor. This cell appears to be no different from normal ones and only functions and divides when needed. Then, even though the organ it supports has a sufficient amount of cells, it divides uncontrollably (Weinberg 1-2).
Most everyone knows that tobacco is a factor of cancer. It can cause cancer by changing a gene and causing it to divide uncontrollably, then the unwanted cells spread throughout the body (Elk 45). Smoking alone has caused 30 percent of all cancer deaths. The risk from smoking depends on the kind of cigarettes, how deeply a person breathes in the smoke, and how ...

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... Works Cited
Elk, Ronit and Monica Morrow. “Causing the Mutation: Genetics or Environment?” 2003. Breast Cancer for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2003. 45-46. Print.
Landau, Elaine. "Cancer: Causes and Prevention." Cancer (9780805029901). 36. n.p.: Lerner Publishing Group, 1994. Health Source - Consumer Edition. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.
Stevenson, Heidi. "The Modern Environment Causes Cancer." Cancer. Ed. Jacqueline Langwith. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from "Cancer Is Man-Made, Not Caused by Genes or Living a Long Life: Study Documents." Gaia Health 17 Oct. 2010. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Discus. 24 Mar. 2014.
Weinberg, Robert A.Komaroff, Anthony L. "Your Lifestyle, Your Genes, and Cancer." Newsweek 151.25 (2008): 40. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 16 Apr. 2014.

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