Cause of Yugoslavia's Revolution

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Cause of Yugoslavia's Revolution The key terms of the question are the terms 'primordial hatreds' of

the nationalities involved and also the time period that is set, the

1990s. The term primordial is an adjective defined as "existing at or

from the beginning."[1] To address the question I will discuss the way

in which the violent disintegration of the former Yugoslavia was due

to this, and also to the extent that it was caused by other factors

for example the economic collapse as each factor can only present part

of the whole story with the latest conflict being an instalment in the


Throughout history the Balkans has been a hotbed for conflict, from

the two Balkan wars to one of the factors causing the Great War.

However the disintegration was a war of recognised nations, involving

ethnic Croats; they were in the main protesting the nationalistic

policies of President Trudjman. Ethnic Serbs were opposing Slobodan

Milosevic. The case of Bosnia is slightly more complex with both

ethnic Serbs and ethnic Croats identifying themselves as Bosnians as

opposed to those who saw themselves as Bosnian Serbs or Bosnian

Croats.[2] These nations were members of Yugoslavia, later to become

the independent states of Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina,

Macedonia and Serbia. The participants were all members of the

Yugoslav state and gained recognition as states later, after it's

collapse. It is often described as a "clash of civilisations - between

civilised and barbarian, Western and Balkan."[3]

There are many theories as to the causes of war; International


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...ttkopf, "World Politics", 2001

Oxford Quick Reference Dictionary, 1998

Wiberg H, "Social security and the explosion of Yugoslavia", in O

Weaver et al, Identity, Migration and the New Social Security Agenda

in Europe, 1993

[1] Oxford Quick Reference Dictionary, 1998, pp709

[2] Woodward S, "War: Building States from Nations" in T Ali ed.,

Masters of the Universe, Nato's Balkan Crusade, (2000), pp 254

[3] Woodward S, "War: Building States from Nations" in T Ali ed.,

Masters of the Universe, Nato's Balkan Crusade, (2000), pp 254

[4] Kegley and Wittkopf, "World Politics", 2001, pp 416

[5] Glenny M, "The Balkans, 1804-1999", 2000, pp635

[6] Wiberg H, "Social security and the explosion of Yugoslavia", in O

Weaver et al, Identity, Migration and the New Social Security Agenda

in Europe, 1993, pp 98-9

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