Cause of Teens Smoking Electronic Cigarettes

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Schools have always forbade students from using drugs and alcohol, however, many young adults lately are frequent smokers of electronic cigarettes. “Between 2011 and 2012 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed a sharp spike in e-cig experimentation among U.S. middle and high school students.” Vaping is often the term used for smoking electronic cigarettes. The reason why teens use drugs and alcohol have been thoroughly discussed; but what has not been thoroughly discussed, is why they smoke in the first place? What exactly causes teens to smoke E-cigs and what are the effects of vaping? Numerous explanations can be used to determine why teens smoke. Some of them are the same reason teens drink and do drugs. The main reasons include their desire to fit in with their peers, and their natural curiosity.
First of all, probably the most prevalent reason why teens smoke is for social acceptance. High school is a crucial moment in a young person's life. It is important that the friends made are good influences on a student. All teens want is to be accepted by their peers. It is human nature to desire a place to belong. Most kids smoke with or because their friends smoke. In order to stay part of the group they will do whatever their friends do. Smoking e-cigs is now the latest social trend and is seen as what the popular kids do.
Furthermore, teens start doing these things purely because they are curious. Unlike regular cigarettes, E-cigs are not regulated by the FDA. That means there are fewer rules on selling to minors. Without FDA regulations accessibility of e-cigs is made easier. All one has to do is go out and buy them. E-cigarettes look similar to the real thing, however, they are battery-powered. Electronic ...

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...ite the controversial beliefs, there are not any serious long term affects of vaping. Compared to real cigarettes, e-cigarettes have none of the poisonous chemicals. For instance, e-cigs do not have tobacco and the little amount nicotine in them is not enough to be addictive. Whether young people should be allowed you use electronic cigarettes is still up for debate but the facts prove that no good or bad comes from them.

Works Cited

"South Florida." The Miami Herald. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014.
Koch, Wendy. "Fewer Teens Smoke but More Use E-cigarettes, Hookahs." USA Today. Gannett, n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014.
Laino, Charlene. "E-Cigarettes Don't Harm Heart, Study Shows." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.
"Clearing the Smoke: Addressing the 15 Most Common Myths about E-Cigarettes." E-CIG MYTHS: Get the Facts on Electronic Smoking. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.

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