Cause And Effect In 'Columbine'

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n Columbine there were many ideas and point that were intensiley described and talked about by the author through the use of dialogue and statements about the peoples thoughts and feelings. The idea that every action that you do affects the life and actions of another is clearly expressed throughout the book. There were many examples of cause and effects ranging from Eric’s impact on Dylan’s life causing him to turn and commit mass murder, to Diane Sawyer’s lack of communication with Dylan causing him to be depressed and isolated. The effects of all these character’s lack of action can also be related directly to the shooting and deaths of the students and staff. Before the shooting started there were many events that could have prevented another from happening. You could make the argument that if Diane would have been more involved with Dylan he wouldn’t have went along with Eric’s plan. But who’s to say for sure? But what we do know is that Diane’s lack of involvement caused Dylan to search for it somewhere else, Eric. Who would gladly guide Dylan towards the Columbine shooting. Which marked the starting of the domino effect of no action. …show more content…

Like when concerned parents told officers about Eric’s very incriminating and distributed website about all the people he hated and what he’d do to them. This wasn’t the only time a teacher tried to speak about it also. But the effects of they’re actions were lackluster and led to absolutely nothing due to a lazy police force and leader. But these people’s lack of action played a direct role and effected the situations, by not stepping in and nipping this in the bud they let it grow out of hand, and by the time they did try to do something it was too late. But how would the cause and effects of the situations change with just a little

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