Cause And Effect Essay On Cybercrime

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Cybercrimes is rapidly growing and increasing at a substantial rate. This is a crime that affects everyone no matter where a person lives. Anything that connects to the internet is susceptible to attack. In fact Verizon quoted, “No locale, no industry or organization is bulletproof when it comes to compromise of data”. IBM President and CEO Ginni Rometty described cybercrime as, “The greatest threat to every profession, every industry, and every company in the world”. Individuals are just as susceptible to attack. There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds, affecting 1 in 3 Americans. In this essay I will cover types of cybercrimes and the affect they have on businesses, government agencies, and the economy. There are 3 general types of cybercrimes: Cyber-attacks – are crimes in which the computer system is targeted. Cyber-attacks consist of computer viruses (including …show more content…

Studies show 50 percent of small and midsized organizations report suffering at least one cyberattack in the last 12 months. One study shows 43% of cyber-attacks target small business, 64% of companies have experienced web-based attacks, 62% experience phishing & social engineering attacks, 59% experienced malicious code and botnets and 51% experienced denial of service attacks. Costs of cybercrime is very expensive to try to resolve and insure against. One study indicates that cybercrime will reach $2 trillion by 2019 a threefold from a 2015 estimate. According to the Ponemon Institute’s “2016 cost of data breach study: Global Analysis” which queried 383 organizations that suffered at least one breach in 2016, the average cost per breach was $4 million. That figure rose to $7 million in the U.S. Cyber insurance has swelled, primarily in the U.S., from $1 billion two years ago to $2.5 billion in 2016. Experts expect dramatic growth in the next five

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