Cause And Effect Essay On Concussions

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What is a concussion? A concussion is temporary unconsciousness caused by a hit to the brain. Concussions can have long term effects on the human body, and can even cause death. The amount Concussions of has been on an uprise due to the physicality of current sports, and frequent head trauma. The frequent amount of head trauma can ultimately lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy(CTE). Most concussions happen in some form of athletic competition. Concussion treatment has improved greatly over the past decade. This is surely because of the amount of research that has been put into concussion research. Doctors, and medical experts have also become better at identifying symptoms of concussions. Even though research has gotten better there is still a problem with concussions. …show more content…

Scientist and researchers have been looking for the answer to concussions and have come to the conclusion that sports just must be played safer. This has sparked much debate throughout the country, because the sport that causes the most concussions happens to be the most beloved sport in America; football. High School football accounts for over 47 percent of concussions in all of sports(Headcase company 2). That staggering number is the reason why some people have said football is a barbaric sport, and needs to stop. Whilst football may be the sport with most concussions, there are other sports that have had a large number of concussion cases including: ice hockey, and soccer. That being said football is still researchers number one problem, because instead of the concussions rates dropping, they have increased. This is largely due to the aggressiveness of the sport, and its evolution. Lighter equipment, and more flexible padding has allowed players to move faster and this allows for more high speed collisions, these collisions force the brain to move against the skull resulting in what is defined as a concussion.

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