Cathy And Heathcliff In 'Anti Oedipus The King'

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The Gilles and Felix Guttari former a French philosopher later a psychological analyst are of the view in their book Anti Oedipus ‘first volume ‘Capitalism and schizophrenia’ write about the capital society and how one behaves mentally when carries a duel character traits. The novel reveals to us that Catherine had a want for Heathcliff but her inner and worldly desires can only be fulfilled by Edger. “She lets her own world collapse in contingence, for she really lives in his” (92).
Nelly stated at one place that Catherine has adopted double character. One can face a difficulty when he wants to opine about the choice of Cathy that it favors the heights or the grange. She never wanted to deceive HeathCliff but it happens due to the society …show more content…

Both share the burns and bruises of love but never shared the breaths and bodies of one another. She is concrete in her opinion that Edger can never replace Heathcliff in her heart. She in the swing of Heathcliff’s love forgets the moral and ethical limitations and deceives her husband Edger. In his absence she talks to Heathcliff on his return after three years but when Edger is present she pretends as there is nothing. The moment of crisis in Cathy and Heathcliff's relationship has been described by Edgar Linton's proposal. Cathy, in typically selfish mode, has decided to marry Edgar as this would make her, in her own words, ''the greatest woman of the neighborhood''. Cathy knows very well that she only loves Heathcliff, but at the same time she thinks that Edgar would be happy to have her, and she never wanted to leave both of them. She could help Heathcliff out of Edgar's money and influence. This shows her selfishness. Heathcliff overhears Cathy’s discussion with Nelly and leaves Wuthering Heights and disappears for quite a few years because he got hurt a lot and it was something he never expected. When he returns, however, Cathy is just as self-regarding as ever, claiming to Edgar that, ''I know you

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