Catcher In The Rye Literary Analysis

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The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger is a story told from a teenage boys point of view and he tells us the story of his life at the moment. Throughout this story we get to see how lonely the main character feels. I chose a picture of a young boy with a quote to introduce my powerpoint. When reading this book one could analyze it at from many different critical perspectives. The critical perspectives that can be seen in this book are reader criticism, cultural criticism, archetypal criticism, feminist criticism, marxist criticism, and historical criticism. In the powerpoint I created the first slide is for reader criticism. Reader criticism has to do with the reader’s own life experiences, ethics and morals. While I was reading The Catcher …show more content…

Cultural criticism has to do with the reader being different from others and how that affects their interpretation. In the book, Holden is a male and goes to an all boys school. This is something I have never experienced as I am a female and go to a school with both genders. This made it hard for me to put myself in Holden’s shoes as I have never experienced the things that were going on in his life. I chose a picture of all boys in a classroom to represent Holden’s school and how it is completely different than a classroom you would walk into in my …show more content…

Marxist criticism has to do with the inequality of money between people and how that influences history. In The Catcher and the Rye, Holden makes it very clear that his family is well of when it comes to money. At another point in the book he goes on to describe a point when one of his roommates had cheap luggage and was ashamed of it because it showed that he didn’t have a lot of money. On the other hand Holden had the best of the best when it came to luggage and that showed that he came from a family with a lot of money. I chose a picture of expensive luggage to represent this part of the book where Holden discusses how one can tell how rich or poor a person is by their

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