Catastrophe In Romeo And Juliet Essay

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The Catastrophe of Romeo & Juliet Not thinking through a situation can lead to many consequences. In the play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, an ongoing quarrel between the Capulet and Montague, lead to the pitiful outcomes of Romeo and Juliet. Throughout the play it is visible that many characters, including Lord Capulet, Friar Laurence, and Tybalt, played a vital role in the development of the terrible deaths of Romeo and Juliet, because they had the biggest influences on the star-crossed lovers. Lord Capulet, Juliet’s father, had one of the biggest impacts on the choices she made. In the quote, Lord Capulet is yelling at Juliet and is telling her how she never listens to Lady Capulet and him. Also, that Juliet …show more content…

In the quote, Friar Laurence tells Juliet of a plan that has her drinking out of a vial, that will make her seem dead for 42 hours. The Friar will then send letters to Romeo, letting him know of the plan. Then when she awakens, she will run away with Romeo to Mantua, and that everything will be fine. “Go home, be merry, give consent/ To marry Paris. Wednesday is tomorrow./ Tomorrow night look that thou lie alone; / Let not the nurse lie with thee in thy chamber./ Take thou vial, being thin in bed” (4.1.89-120). Had the Friar not presented the idea to Juliet, Juliet and Romeo could have found a different alternative to their problem, and not have ended up killing themselves because of the plan. As you can see, Friar Laurence did have good intentions for the star crossed lovers, but as his plan began to fall apart, so did their fates.
Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, plays a minor part in the suicides of Romeo and Juliet. In the quote, Tybalt is trying to egg on Romeo to fight him. “ Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries that thou hast done me; therefore turn and draw” (3.1.63-65). Had Tybalt not tried to fight Romeo, Mercutio wouldn’t have died and Romeo wouldn’t have gotten in trouble, and a lot of deaths would have been prevented. Clearly, it has shown that, Tybalt’s decision to try and fight Romeo caused even more

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