Catapults Research Paper

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A catapult is a tool or weapon used first by the people of Jeruselum to launch an object a large distance. The catapult has been used since ancient times and is still known today as one of the most effective weapons in war. The word catapult comes from 2 greek words “kata” meaning downward and “pultos” meaning a small circular battle shield. Together the word katapultos was taken to mean “shield piercer”. The earliest catapults were used under the rule of King Uzziah of Jerusalem. “In Jerusalem he made machines designed by skillful men for use on the towers and on the corner defenses to shoot arrows and hurl large stones.” 2 Chronicles 26:15. Catapults were also used by the people in Nimrud (now known as Iraq) in the 9th century B.C. Many people think that Greeks and Romans were the first people to build and use catapults, but as i told you before they were used first by the people of …show more content…

In Greece the first catapults were made while trying to increase the range and puncture power of missiles by making the bow which flung the missiles stronger.The Dionysius the Elder of Syracuse was the one to invent the catapult in 400 B.C.E.The historian Diodorus Siculus described the invention of the arrow firing catapult (katapeltikon) by the Greek task force in 399 BC. This weapon was soon used as a war weapon against Motya (397 BC). Castles and fortified walled cities were extremely common during these earlier times. Catapults were a key weapon against them. As well as breaking cities walls catapults were used to shoot things inside the

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