Catalina De Erauso Essay

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In the Lieutenant Nun, Catalina de Erauso was born and raised in San Sebastian, Spain the year 1592. Her parents were Captain Miguel de Erauso and Maria Perez de Galarraga, a well-off family. At the age of four years, she interned in the convent of Dominicans of San Sebastiana, under the rule of carnal aunt. However, at the age of fifteen years she escaped from the convert after conflict over corrupts, where she stroll around in the effort of redeeming diverse offices (Erauso, Stepto, and Stepto 25). She managed to go to South America and joined Spanish Military. Catalina de Erauso was successful in military until she confessed no her deathbed. At the time, Catholic Church accepted convents because they believed that they were virgins despite …show more content…

Catalina de Erauso was examined by midwives who confirmed that she was a virgin, persuading the bishop to place in Lima. However, communication between the American and Spain was effective, where she was confirmed to have never been a nun where she was thrown out of the convent. Gender role in the Americans dictated the role of women and men and enforced different image among them. Catalina de Erauso defied female image when she decided to cut her hair and wear male pants, where she took pain in altering her female physique that resemble that of men. She was able to act masculine because she wanted to act like a man. Catalina de Erauso was biologically a woman, making her to rebel undoubtedly against a female gender through her actions and appearance. Most of her action behavior and appearance conformed to that of men in the American society, where she tried to ignore societal gender rules by transgressing between female and male ideals. Catalina de Erauso conform to the society by abiding by male gender code, and there is a possibility she was unemotional as her autobiography suggest. Erauso does not go details after she murdered her

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