Castle Itter Research Paper

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Chase McCoy 2/4/2016 Ms. Weseman 4B The Battle for Castle Itter The Battle for Castle Itter is known as one of the strangest battles to take place during World War II. French VIP’s were captured by the Waffen SS and held is Castle Itter but were rescued by an unlikely bunch; American and German Soldiers fighting side by side. The only reason this could take place was because of the fact the war was just days from being over. Itter Castle is a small castle sat on a hill near the village of Itter in Austria. After the German annexation of Austria, the German government officially leased the castle in late 1940 from its owner, Franz Grüner. The castle was taken from Grüner by SS Lieutenant General Oswald Pohl under the orders of Heinrich Himmler …show more content…

His caution was justified; within minutes, the Sherman rounded a curve in the road and almost drove over a squad of SS troops trying to set up a roadblock. The infantrymen riding on the tank opened fire, as did the Sherman’s bow machine gunner and Gangel’s troops in the truck, and the SS troops fled into the surrounding woods. Lee ordered his driver to “open her up,” and the tank slued around another corner and up the road to the castle, the Wehrmacht truck close behind. Roaring over the short bridge at the top of the road, the vehicles lurched to a stop directly in front of Itter’s main gate as night began to fall. Castle Itters former French prisoners were quite unimpressed by the small force that had arrived to “save” them. The former prisoners had been expecting a column of armor supported by bunches of heavily armed American soldiers. What they got was a lone tank, seven Americans, and—to their disbelief—a truckload of armed Germans. While Gangel went out of his way to be polite and accommodating to the French, Lee was apparently his typically harsh self. Paul Reynaud must have found the American lieutenant particularly irritating, for in his postwar memoirs the former prime minister remembered Lee as “crude in both looks and manners,” and also stated, “If Lee is a reflection of America’s policies, Europe is in for a hard time.”(Reynaud) Harding, Stephing. "The Battle For Castle Itter." The Last Battle 11 September 2008: 1. Web. 5 Feburary 2016.

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