Exploring Vaccine Hesitancy: A Personal Perspective

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Uncovering Vaccines with Lizzy Koratich My I-Search Question What are the benefits and risks of vaccines? Why do people opt out of vaccines for them and their children? Why This Topic Interested Me My siblings and I have never received any vaccinations because my parents opted out of them. Up until second grade, I thought it was rare for people to get shots. I didn’t realize that vaccines were required to go to school and that I was in the minority. Now that I know this, I am meeting more people that aren’t vaccinated. For example, my next door neighbors have five children who aren’t vaccinated, and they homeschool. Similarly, my second cousins, have five children that homeschool and have not been vaccinated. This made me wonder if maybe not vaccinating a child fits into a view of life that includes homeschool and large families. Lastly, my sisters and I all had the Chickenpox when we were younger so I think we are immune to getting them again. I am curious whether beating the disease is better than just getting the vaccine. What I Already Knew I …show more content…

I started by interviewing Joanne Koratich, my mom, because she didn’t vaccinate my siblings and I. I asked why she made the decision, and she replied, “I believe the potential risks outweigh the benefits.” (Koratich, 12/5/17) This was close to what I had been thinking, but when she said it, it reminded me of a video I saw by Hank Green a while back about the scientific reasons behind not vaccinating your children, so I made a note to watch that on another day. I asked my mom if there was any reason why she would reconsider vaccinating us, and she said only if we were going on a trip out of the country where other diseases are a major concern. I only had those two questions for her, but they opened up more questions for me, and by that point, I thought that I was going to have to research only what I found important because I was running out of

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