Case Study Of Mark Henry Newman's Breach Of Conethiality

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Mark Henry Newman’s breach of confidentiality [2012] Nursing and Midwifery Council
Mr. Newman is a former sexual health adviser at the Countess of Chester Hospital. His license was suspended causing him not to practice nursing for nine months. In 2012, a patient filed a complaint against Mr. Newman stating his misconduct. He was found guilty for violating the confidentiality of a patient who undergoes treatment at the hospital. Patient X claimed that Mr. Newman shared her medical condition that she has been protecting from her children to a common friend that resulted great distress on Patient X’s part. Mr. X, the common friend of Mr. Newman, confirmed that he is 100% sure it was Mr. Newman who disclosed the information to him (The Standard Staff Reporter, 2015).
Gillick v West Norfolk & Wisbeck Area Health Authority [1986] AC 112 House of Lords
Mrs. Victoria Gillick is a mother of ten. Five of those are girls below sixteen years old. As a Christian, she believes that contraception promotes under age sex. In 1985, Mrs. Victoria Gillick lost her case vs. West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority allowing physicians to prescribe contraceptives to girls less than sixteen years of age without parental consent. After the case was settled, the Law Lords ruled that doctors putting girls less than sixteen years of age under pills without …show more content…

Sue Axon, from Manchester, is a mother of five children who filed an amendment over the Department of Health’s updated guidelines in the High Court in 2006. The focus of her action is to honor the rights of the parents over their children in terms of having an abortion and taking contraceptives. She stated that the guidelines given by the Department of Health undermines the roles of parents (BMJ Publishing Group, 2005). Mr. Axon’s attempt failed. Mr. Philip Sales said that implementing the “right to know” of parents will result to discouragement of young women to seek medical advice regarding their sexual

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