Case Study Of Cosima Niehaus

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Born in San Francisco, California, Cosima Niehaus grew up with loving, smart, but ultimately kind of hippie parents. The question of nature vs nurture was pretty clear with Cosima. Though a precocious and clever child, Cosima found it difficult to connect with her fellow classmates, and only some of that was due to her intelligence. It was after graduating from UC Berkley with her bachelors and masters in biology that Cosima began working in laboratories in the city while she decided if she wanted to go even further into biology. Science was a notoriously misogynistic career choice, unfortunately, but it was something that really called to Cosima. Of course, college had opened up a whole new avenue for her. She opted to stay on campus, instead of with her parents, and Cosima explored every aspect of her sexuality.

Her parents weren't necessarily close-minded, but they were always demanding to know where Cosima was, who was she going with, what was going on? At the time, she figured it was because her parents had her later in life, that they were just concerned for their own child in a way she didn't understand.

In retrospect, maybe she should have been more concerned. She had been sending out applications to colleges with good biology programs when Beth Childs contacted her. Katja Obinger had found the Canadian cop after discovering at least three other clones in France, Italy and Greece. Beth had used face recognition software and found Cosima and Alison Hendrix, a stay at home mom local to Beth. Curious as ever, Cosima helped set them up with Skype so they could all talk face to face. The resemblance was uncanny. She had to see it first hand.

Clone Club was formed - yeah, Alison didn't like the word, but how else could Cosim...

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...und out Delphine's true identity (Cormier, not Beraud). Though the pair break up, Cosima headed to Canada to meet with the other clones about what to do about Helena - the other clone who was killing them. Unfortunately, Leekie has given them all contracts in which they get exactly what they're looking for in return in return for two yearly visits. Leekie's leverage over Cosima happened to be her entire genetic code, the sequences DNA, for her to research and study. Cosima is tempted since she recently discovered that she had the same lung illness that Katja was suffering from.

Cosima discovers that the contract is bullshit, that they are patented and property of their creators. Any autonomy they claim to give them is a lie. Unfortunately, it's not before Alison has signed and turned in her paperwork, and Sarah has discovered that Kira and Mrs. S have gone missing.

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