The Pseudoscience of Scientific Racism: A Historical Overview

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Scientific racism is the use of ostensibly scientific or pseudoscientific techniques and hypotheses to support or justify the belief in racism, racial inferiority, racialism, or racial superiority; alternatively, it is the practice of classifying individuals of different phenotypes into discrete races. This practice is now is called pseudo scientific, yet throughout the years it got a lot of belief in the scientific community. As a theory, scientific racism use the study of human societies and cultures and their development (notably physical anthropology), anthropometry, craniometry, and other teaching in proposing anthropological typologies supporting the classification of human populations into physically separate human races, that might …show more content…

Perhaps Cartwright's most widely-discussed idea was the disease "Drapetomania," which cast as mental illness black slaves' efforts to run away and escape slavery. Because Cartwright believed that Africans were mentally unfit for self-determination, he argued that they only try to escape when they go crazy. Today Cartwright's work has been assigned the status of what you believe in among medical professionals. But there remains a wide stereotype that when blacks are confident that they are crazy or dangerous, whereas when whites are confident they are simply commanding and good leaders. There are still many people who are using science to justify the claim that there are cognitive differences between racial groups. Those differences are said to make white people more intelligent, Chinese people more ambitious, islanders more open-minded, and many other things that have nothing to do with actual, verifiable scientific evidence but have everything to do with racism. There is considerable debate whether the term "scientific racism" is abusive as applied to more modern theories, as in The Bell Curve (1994), which investigated racial differences in IQ, concluding that genetics explained at least part of the IQ differences between races. Critics argue that such works are motivated by racist presumptions unsupported by available evidence. Publications such as the Mankind Quarterly, founded as an clear race conscious publication, have been accused of scientific racism for publishing articles on controversial interpretations of human evolution, intelligence, ethnography, language and race subjects. The label "scientific racism" is used to criticize studies claiming to establish a connection between, for example, race and intelligence, and is used to argue that this promotes the idea of "superior" and

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