Carrots Short Story Theme Essay

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Literary Analysis “He knew his father yelled now and then, but usually he yelled for a good reason, and all he had done was hold on to the carrot sticks.He was sure he had held them at dinner before.” -Adam Bagdasarian. This quote from “Carrots” is an excellent example of what the boy feels in the two short stories, “My Side of the Story” and “Carrots”. Not many people think of anger as a serious issue and relate it to being a common part of nature. While in some cases that may be true, the father caused his son to be traumatized by how his father’s anger rose to such a uncalled for state. A common theme “My Side of the Story and “Carrots” have is anger. The father figure in both of these stories has a problem controlling his anger and takes it out on all things he is slightly annoyed with. In some cases, anger can cause people to scream while other types of anger may become physical. Anger plays a great deal in both of these short stories, while both stories portray different circumstances. …show more content…

The father felt it was common knowledge to knock before entering a room and got himself worked up instantaneously. In the text it states, “This apparently was all my father needed to set the wheels of his anger in motion...he was working himself into a rage and that anything I said would only make it worse.” the little boy experted. Soon after the boy was being yelled at, his father began to hit him.The evidence provided from “My Side of the Story” supports the claim because the father started to get worked up over a minor misbehaving situation from the child. The father started to work himself up into a out of control rage that would soon turn in to physical violence towards the

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