Carrot's Metamorphosis

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Carrot, Egg, and Coffee Bean Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean? Many people would look at you like you were crazy if you asked them this, but it’s a question to think on. In the story of the carrot, egg, and coffee bean, the girl goes to her mother in a time of adversity. Her mother asks her “Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?” Over the course of my short life, I’ve been all three. While appearing tough and strong, the carrot actually becomes soft and mushy when put under some type of adversity. I was extremely shy early on in my childhood. I would run and hide behind the leg of my mother when faced by someone new. Growing up, my brother always required all of the attention because of his needs. He is ADHD and bipolar, so I always had to tag along with whatever we had to do for him. I resulted to reading, writing, and any other activity that would keep me out of the way and to myself. I panicked whenever I was given any attention or if anything changed in my life because being alone and everything being the same was all that I had to depend on. I was a carrot in boiling water and fell …show more content…

Then the egg becomes hard and tough underneath its shell as well. During my middle school years, I became like the egg. As I grew up, I became more and more aware of my surroundings. I learned that my mother had an extreme addiction to drugs and alcohol, which made me harden and turn against her. My brother would always bully me while I was going through puberty. He would call names and completely diminish my self esteem. I would act tough on the outside, just like the egg, but on the inside I was actually soft. I was removed and put in my grandparent’s home the summer before my eighth grade year. My brother moved in with my uncle, and we’ve been separate ever since. This whole situation turned me into the egg as I appeared tough on the outside, but I was actually soft and sensitive on the

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