Carl Rogers's Personality Theory

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Carl Rogers was heavily influenced by phenomenology which is the philosophical movement that maintains that everyone exists in the center of a phenomenal field (Engler, 331). In this context phenomenal is use in reference to its Greek root which means “that which appears or shows itself.” Using core concepts from this movement Rogers built his personality theory around the phenomenal field or the total sum of experiences consisting of everything that is potentially available to consciousness at any given moment (Engler, 331). Rogers believed that individuals responded to the phenomenal field in various ways and he focused on how the individual’s perceptions of reality impacted their behaviors. Overwhelming though, he believed organisms were motivated by the desire to maintain, actualize, and enhance themselves. This is the premise for Rogers’ views on self-actualization wherein he defines the actualizing tendency as part of a universal life force that is influenced by …show more content…

Allen is an individual motivated by the desire to enhance his life and achieve specific goals. Making him an excellent example of Rogers views on self-actualization. Allen also exhibits distinct characteristics that correspond with concepts in Rogers theory. He displays an organismic valuing process throughout his life as he dreams of attending college and finding a more fulfilling career. Additionally, through Rogers theory we are able to identify key components of Allen’s self-concept; mainly that he feels as if he is not the person people believe him to be. This feeling of inconsistency in perceived self and true self lends itself to Rogers’ concept of incongruence in personality. Allen exhibits all of these characteristics and more based on the limited information provided. Ultimately, Allen identifies his goal as a desire to move forward towards more competency and an enhanced

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