Caring Research Paper

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I chose to write my paper on caring because I believe it’s the most common and important characteristics in nursing. Caring is a range of service and support provided to people who are capable of performing it. Jean Watson defines caring as a science. She states; Caring is a science that encompasses a humanitarian, human science orientation, human caring processes, phenomena, and experiences. Caring science includes arts and humanities as well as science. There are different types of caring. Nurses provide different treatment for different people with different condition within a different age range and in different health condition as well. By saying this I meant to say that a born infant and a 60 year old elderly doesn’t get the same treatment and also we can’t treat a person with a critical condition and just a simple viral disease. But in the case of caring nurses are supposed to provide the …show more content…

This are the basic day to day caring that a nurse performs at the hospital, nursing home and door to door services. The other one is long term care, this could be provided at home and it is the type of caring classified as weekly, monthly and annually. For example checkups, medication and over all counseling are considered to be a long term caring. Most individuals choose nursing as a profession because of their desire to care for other individuals. Caring as a central concept has led to the development of several caring theories. Two well-known theories were developed in the 1970’s, Leininger’s Theory of cultural care and Jean Watson’s Theory of human caring (McCance, McKenna, Boore 1999). In this profession a nurse should be able to show care and compassion towards his/her patients. It includes strong positive emotional affection and a warm heart that’s is always willing to help

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