Caribbean Culture: The Culture And Culture Of The Caribbean

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As someone who isn’t from the Continental United States originally, I imagined the differentiation of context regarding cultural perspectives and values would be very existent in correlation to what I had known as a Virgin Islands native. The culture and lifestyle of the Caribbean influenced the set of values I maintain, as during my raising they were the only ones implemented by my parents and supported by my environment.
The purpose of this paper is to explicate how our cultures have influenced us as individuals regarding perspectives, abilities, and qualities compared to how Asian principles have shaped the perspectives of their respective Chinese individuals. In completion of doing so, I plan to address how Americans can benefit by …show more content…

It is important to live off of the land (i.e. farm one’s own food/livestock/dairy, capture rain water for bathing/washing, build small and limit use of resources). Along with paying respect to Caribbean people and the environment, it’s also important to recognize and celebrate Caribbean history and the inhabitants that called the Virgin Islands their home before we did. For example, in the Virgin Islands, we celebrate J’ouvert: the official start of Carnival in the Caribbean. This is a very important celebration as it pays tribute and respect to the African inhabitants enslaved under French Rule in the Caribbean centuries ago. Regard for people, the environment, and history is advantageous in developing a tolerant outlook of …show more content…

She defines reciprocal favor as only asking for what one plans to repay. Hoeks uses the culture-specific example of a student revisiting their teacher/mentor every Sunday for tea long after the completion of the class as a way to show gratitude for the service their teacher provided. This trait embodies loyalty and dependability, both valuable assertions for conducting successful business

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