Caregiver Research Paper

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A. Caregiver’s Personal Information 1. Are you the primary caregiver: Yes/ No (If you are not a caregiver for the child, you need not complete the survey) 2. Including yourself, how many people live in your house?_________ . 3. How old are you? (in years): _____________ 4. What is the highest level of education you have completed? High school/post-secondary/ college/ university 5. What language do you speak most often at home (please select one)? Arabic/ Chinese/ English/ French/ Italian/ other, please specify_________ 6. How many years have you lived in Canada? ___________ 7. What is your postal code: (For example, N9N 5P4) ____________ B. The following statements are about your knowledge of dental topics. Select the best response. …show more content…

I don’t know enough about dental hygiene practices. (Strongly disagree/disagree/agree/strongly agree) 3. I have enough information on dental hygiene. (Strongly disagree/disagree/agree/strongly agree) 4. I would like to have more information on dental hygiene for my child. (Strongly disagree/disagree/agree/strongly agree) 5. I would like to have the information translated into the language I speak at home. (Strongly disagree/disagree/agree/strongly agree/ does not apply) 6. My child benefits from the school dental education program. (Strongly disagree/disagree/agree/strongly agree/ not sure/does not apply) 7. I understand the information in the dental brochures I receive. (Strongly disagree/disagree/agree/strongly agree/ not sure/does not apply) 8. I would like more information on the following (Please check all that apply): □ Accessing free dental programs □ Brushing and flossing □ Foods to avoid □ Healthy diet □ Other, please specify _________________________ 9. Which of the following ways do you want to get dental information (Please select all that apply)? □ Brochures/pamphlets □ Television/cable □ Educational programs □ Radio □ Internet/website □ Workshops □ Other, please specify

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