Career In Photography Essay

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Photography is a fine art. Painters draw a picture with color and photographer draw a picture with light. The word Photography is consisting with two words: photo and graph. Photo means light and graph means drawing. So it means totally “drawing with light”. In the early age of photography many scholars did not take this as an art. Especially some painters never accepted it. But now it is changed because people believe that photographer creates photos. It is not automatic. Now many museums includes photography exhibition. Photography is now not only the medium of communication but also a prestigious profession. Good news is Bangladesh has a good position in photography in the world. Many of our photographers got many international awards in the world. Now world counts our photography as a high standard. For this reason, career in photography is very bright in Bangladesh.

You can be specialized in different types of photography.
Portrait photography: photographers take photos of people in arranged studios. They also take photos in weddings, anniversary, birthdays and other events.

Commercial photography: in Commercial photography, a photographer can take photos for different type of books, advertisement, catalogs, poster, billboards etc.
Scientific photography: These types of photographers are knowledgeable to take pictures of scientific information.

Photojournalists: Photojournalism is a particular form of journalism (the collecting, editing, and presenting of news material for publication or broadcast) that creates images in order to tell a news story. It is now usually understood to refer only to still images, but in some cases the term also refers to video used in broadcast journalism.
Aerial photography: Take pict...

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... has a good position in photography in the world. Many of our photographers got many international awards in the world. Now world counts our photography as a high standard. For this reason, career in photography is very bright in Bangladesh. You can be specialized in different types of photography like Portrait photography, Commercial photography, Photojournalists, Fine arts photography. There are some institutes in Bangladesh for learning photography like: Pathsala, counter foto, photo lounge. These institutes offer different types of courses for the students like A Four-Week Basic Course in Photography,Ten-Week Foundation Course in Photography ,Six-Month Photojournalism Diploma, Four- Week Visual Storytelling Workshop, Three-Day Digital Photography Workshop. You can also take mentorship program under renowned photographer according to your field of interest.

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