Career Choice in Gynecology: Personal Journal

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My first and foremost career choice is to become a gynecologist with a specialty in obstetrics. The other career options I’ve explored were becoming a nutritionist, a medical lawyer, and training horses professionally. Though these career choices are tasteful all in their own, I chose the path to becoming a doctor because it combines the parts of each job that I would have done best into one career. Nutritionists learn and continue to learn the latest medical research on the minute level of detail. Medical lawyers analyze the facts and create a tactful way and find a path to success based on what they’re given. Professional horse trainers adapt to their environment, and work to respond quickly and appropriately to situations. These attributes are all details that have all been woven into my personality, which is a key ingredient for the obstetrics and gynecology field.

A career in nutrition has always been a tasteful choice for my future because of its application to health in the coming generations. Growing up in my household, my mom was always fond of foods high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, and because she worked to incorporate those into my family’s diet, I continued to use her tips and tricks through my college years. She sparked in me a true appreciation for quality home cooked food, and a strong understanding that what you put into your body is one of the largest ways to control health. Because of her guidance, I am a firm believer that those who choose to take ahold of their nutrition have the best health outcomes; being a nutritionist would (have?) allowed me to devote my life to advocating for proper nutrition in the US and around the world. In a gynecological setting, I am able to incorporate my appreciation...

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...m drawn to obstetrics and gynecology for another reason. Patients seen in this field are happy and expecting a life to be brought into the world. As opposed to other parts of medicine where patients are seen because they are sick, obstetrics and gynecology is a more joyful branch/scene of medicine of which I feel my personality is best fit for. My character is soft hearted, my will is in education, my strength is open mindedness, my intention is pure, my hidden trait is humor, my pride is ambition, my indulgence is in nonfiction and filet mignon, and my fun is in being adventurous. My life ambition is to live joyfully as a dedicated wife and mother, and my professional ambition is to become a humbly well-respected Obstetric Gynecologist. The first “step” towards these goals is admission to medical school, letting me begin my journey to a fulfilling life and career.

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