Cardiovascular System Physiology

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Energy means, it is the capacity to do work. Energy metabolism is the process through which energy is produced and transformed. Food gives the energy source. We need energy to move our body muscles to do the activities. The role of energy in the body is to drag the oxygen from the air and diffuses into our blood stream. Energy is needed to circulate the blood and also for breathing and taking in oxygen.
Now I am going to explain the physiology of the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system in relation to energy metabolism in the body.
The Cardiovascular System
The cardiovascular system is responsible for supplying nutrients throughout the body and removing gaseous waste from the body. The cardiovascular system is made up of heart, blood and blood vessels. Arteries, veins and capillaries are the blood vessels of the cardiovascular system.
The heart and its role
Heart is an organ of the cardiovascular system. Heart is responsible for supplying oxygen to all parts of the body. The heart is about the size of a clenched fist. It is located just to the side of the centre of the chest. It is surrounded by a protective membrane called the pericardium. The heart is divided into left and right sides. Heart is made up of muscle and it has walls. It contacts to pump blood into the blood vessels and all over your body. The heart beats to maintain the blood circulating. The heart beating leads the cardiac cycle and which pumps blood to the cells and tissues of the body.
The veins supply the deoxygenated blood from the body to the right side of heart. Then the heart pumps it back to the lungs, where it absorbs more oxygen. Then the oxygen contained blood returns to the left side of your heart and then it pumps it out to the res...

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...ave large diameter to give least flow resistance. It has valves to prevent low pressure blood flowing backwards.
Circulation of blood
There are two types of circulatory systems which are pulmonary and systemic. The pulmonary circuit takes the blood to the lungs to be oxygenated and then return to the heart. In the lungs, deoxygenated blood is removed and oxygen taken up through the haemoglobin in the red blood cells. The systemic circuit takes blood all over the body to supply the oxygen and deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Blood also takes nutrients and waste.
The cardiovascular system links to energy as it circulate oxygen to your body cells and also circulate nutrients. The cardiovascular system gives oxygen and nutrients to the body cells and they need to generate energy and also they need to make larger molecules. Also energy needed to pump the heart.

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