Cardiac Catheterization Observation Paper

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I had the opportunity to observe two cardiac catheterization during clinical this week. A cardiac catheterization is a procedure to examine how well a patient heart is working. A thin tube called a catheter is inserted into a large blood vessel that leads to the patient heart. This procedure is done through angiography, a contrast dye visible X-rays is injected through the catheter. These X-ray images show the dye as it flows through the heart arteries, and shows where arteries are blocked (A H A, 2016).
Before the procedure, the nurse assisted the physician with patient assessment. She prepared the patient by taking his vital signs, oxygen level and heart rhythm, before the physician examined the patient. The nurse ensured that the patient …show more content…

She administered medication according to the physician instructions, before during and after the procedures.
After the procedure, the nurse monitored the patient vital signs, administered medications and updating the patient chart. During this period I have been told that the nurse watches for signs of infection or side effects from the procedure.
During one procedure, for some reason one of the monitors shut down. It was a stressful moment but the nurse and the catch technician kept calm and find right the way a back up monitor to replace the broken one. I felt like the nurse and the technician were prepare for any situation. I was a learning experience, that I always have to calm down and think even in a stressful situation.
The communication between the team was excellent, they were helping each other to have a successful day beside their stress. I realized that working as team reduced the level of their stress. The physician communicates with the nurse, the technician and also the patient using the healing communication. Each of them knew exactly their role in the

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