Carbs Research Paper

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Exposing Myths & Revealing The Truth About Carbs The main staple food in an average Asian diet is rice, and depending on the proportion, it can add up to a lot of carbs consumed. Many food in Asian countries are high in carbohydrates, and this is the main reason why many consider the Asian diet as unhealthy. So, are carbs really bad for you? The truth is, you could be a vegan, but if you’re overeating your salads and take in too much calories, you will still gain weight, regardless of whether your meal contains carbs or not. In fact, eating salads can spell disaster for you if you’re dousing your greens with dressings as it vastly increases the calorie count without offering nutritional value. Low-carb diets are now on the downtrend but …show more content…

Being in the state of ketosis not only brings side-effects like lethargy, impaired brain function and bad breath, but you may also run the risk of developing kidney problems as it takes a toll on the kidney to process ketones. Myths about carbohydrates Due to misinformation, there are now many untruths about carbohydrates. Here, we discuss more on the facts about carbs. Myth #1: Carbs will make you gain weight Carbohydrates are liked by many and can be addictive. The reason behind weight gain is that people tend to overeat. Everything in life is about balance and moderation. Eating healthily with a balanced meal, carbs included, paired with moderate exercise will help you keep fit and lose the weight you need. Myth # 2 : Carbs are unhealthy Many people think that carbs are bad due to the processed food that fall into the simple carbs category. Healthy examples of unrefined simple carbs include dairy and fruit. Carbs also include complex carbohydrates which are high in fiber and starch. The high content of fiber and starch in these carbs slows down the process of digestion and steadies your blood sugar levels instead of a sharp spike when drinking a soda or eating junk …show more content…

This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Studies conducted by nutritional and science journals have shown that people who ate whole grain-rich diets had a 20-30% reduced risk in developing type 2 diabetes and people who ate low-carb diets had higher risk of mortality than those who ate more carbs. Carbs are good for you, but try to moderate yourself, as mentioned above, as overeating carbs can lead to weight

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