Caravaggio And Homosexuality

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On the other hand the status of Caravaggio on whether or no he was a homosexual or heterosexual did not matter as much to Mia Cinotti. She stated, “ that we do not know anything about the homosexuality of Caravaggio and Del Monte “(Cinotti 216). She mentions how homosexuality was not personal or social like it was later seen as. The norm system she talks about how it is one that evades the concept of homosexuality because no one knows for sure if they were or not. So the focus then shifts to an expert who studies the sexual cultures within Florence and Venice during this time frame. Michael Rocke takes a look at sexuality as a whole in his book Forbidden Friendships, Homosexuality and Male Culture in Renaissance Florence (1996). Rocke states …show more content…

The author Pio Pecchiai in Roma nel Cinqucento (1948) talks about “ vizio dei Greci” as being an embarrassment. From this book you find that a boy named Cecco del Caravaggio, lived with Caravaggio (Pecchiai 317). Although young boys, were presumed to be educated by older men on sexuality, and as we find out in the Pecchiai book that Caravaggio did have a young male prostitute he payed visits to. At this time all this is seemingly normal in Caravaggio’s …show more content…

To assume that norms from one place to another are the same is very dangerous to do because everything and everyone is different on how they handle and see things. This is shown on how sexuality is seen in today’s world vs. Caravaggio’s time. It could be said that Caravaggio when arriving in Rome that he noticed the norms and how society functioned within the high class was involved around the pleasure of sexuality when associated with the norms. Rocke, Ruggiero, and Gallucci pointed out that sexual relations between men and boys in Florence adhered to strict, ridged codes of behavior around the twin axes of power and gender (Gallucci 38). This is noticed with Caravaggio when he was working for Cardinal Del Monte, in which exposed Caravaggio to appreciate and love boys and young men. This was due to his high social ranking in

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