Captain Jaggery Quotes

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Charlotte Doyle, a fierce, bold and courageous girl aboard a ship of men. Here I will explain how she is courageous, driven and prideful. Climbing the royal yard, ratlines and her choices of either becoming captain of the Seahawk. Or even just putting on her clothes and begging for forgiveness in front of the whole crew.

Driven. Wanting to go home is always in her mind aboard the Seahawk. Even while she befriended Zachariah. Wanting to prove she could become one with the crew, she was driven to climb the ship's mass. And as to want to prove Captain Jaggery he was wrong that no women should not do a man's work.
“Its a mans job to respect a women, but it's a woman's job to give give him something to respect’’ quoted is unknown, but one thing is for sure… Charlotte has proven herself.

Prideful, having quoted “well, at least some of my world hasn't been destroyed” after Zachariah had offered her tea. As well she is good natured I would say she is still very prideful. Seeing how everyone must have a fair trial. And fair respect. After she was blind to seeing Captain Jaggery was cruel, and even abusive to his crew. Finally, something had knocked the ugly truth into her skull. -as …show more content…

Takes of course, courage. And courageous she is. Standing up to a scruffy man. Maybe even taller than you and with the whip lash on his face takes guts. Charlotte is courageous for even stepping onto the boat took courage too. Her courage to tell, herself she wasn't going to die whilst climbing up the highest point of the boat.

These are my traits I have given Charlotte and listed in my own words. Prideful, courageous and finally, driven. As much as she is ego driven I will say, I did enjoy reading this book. And finding out, more about Charlotte was very fun. If you hav not read Charlotte Doyle I suggest this book. Into adventure? Or even what it was like back then and how women were treated? This book is for

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