Capitalization And Punctuation Essay

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Chapter 10: Capitalization and Punctuation Portuguese and English differ in several aspects of capitalization and punctuation. Here are basic Portuguese rules on capitalization and punctuation: The following are capitalized: Personal names holidays abbreviations names of places The days of the week are not capitalized on Portuguese. Seasons of the year are capitalized in Portuguese. In general, words that indicate nationalities are not capitalized. Months of the year and academic subjects are capitalized in European Portuguese but not in Brazilian Portuguese. Dates are not separated by a comma. For example: 30 de Maio de 2015. Punctuation Marks (Pontuação) Sign Name (.) ponto (period) (,) Vírgula (comma) (;) Ponto e vírgula (semi-colon) …show more content…

There are groups of masculine nouns that end with –a : In general, nouns ending in a stressed –a are masculine o gala the leading man o imã the magnet o chá the tea o talisman the talisman o pá shovel, mate o cardigan the cardigan o sofá the sofa Exception: a lã (the wool), a maçã (the apple) Masculine nouns ending in an unstressed –a: o guia the guide o mapa the map o planeta the planet o dia the day Portuguese nouns ending in –ma which are of Greek origin are masculine nouns: o sistema the system o programma the program o telefonema the telephone call o drama the drama o diagram the diagram o miasma the decay o clima the climate 3. In general, nouns which end in –me are masculine. o nome the name o legume the vegetable o costume the custom o volume the volume o uniforme the uniform o cume the top, summit o exame the exam o lume the fire, the light o queixume the lament Exceptions: a vexame (the shame or disgrace), a fome (the hunger) 4. In general, nouns ending in –r are masculine. o prazer the pleasure o colar the necklace o motor the motor o lar the

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