Capitalism In Source Summary

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‘’In Source 1, you can see that there is a business meeting going on with a company, ABX Corp. In the meeting, the “Boss” is pointing at a line graph which is going down and shows that they are losing profits. He says “Making a profit was a lot easier before so many countries abandoned socialism and started competing”. The author is presenting a negative perspective on countries adopting capitalistic economy because he believes that making profits was much easier when other countries had a socialistic economy. Capitalism is an economic system where there is little to no government intervention also referred to a right shifted government. In a capitalistic society, the consumers decide what to produce by using their money as votes. Capitalism …show more content…

The wishbone is broken, with a very small amount going to the poor and vast majority of it going to the rich. The rich is saying “Yipeeee I win again!”. The author is using this cartoon to present a negative perspective on Capitalistic societies. A Capitalistic economy is an economy where the government is hands off. Its goal is to motivate individuals to strive and push to their limits to make profits. Some problems with a Capitalistic society is that not everyone has equal chances because of things such as background or financial state. In the Source, the wishbone represents the the wealth being distributed. The very top heavy distribution is a clear sign that this a Capitalistic society. You can see that the poor are not getting that much of the wealth distributed towards them while the rich get most of the wealth in the country. When the rich says “Yipeee I win again!”. This is showing how the rich has gotten most of the wealth distributed to them multiple times. You can see that the rich's arm is much bigger than the poors arm this is symbolizing that the rich is much stronger and has more support than the poor. This is why “The Rich” are always get the most money distributed towards them. The …show more content…

When a government intervenes in the economy, many issues may arise such as, the government being liable for the issues they’ve caused in the economy- if any erupt. The government also takes away freedom from the economy by regularly intervening in the economy. Another issue is that if crown corporation fails, the crown corporations are contributing to the country's debt, instead of relieving the country of it. In Source 1, the author believes that more governments should intervene in the economy in more countries and lean towards socialism because with the majority of countries leading towards capitalism it is much harder for anyone to make any profits in the Capitalistic society because everyone is competing because their is no government intervention. In the Cartoon the “Boss” states that “Making a profit was a lot easier before so many countries abandoned socialism and started competing”. This is showing how since more countries are adopting Capitalism it is harder to make a profit. An example of this is Sweden, Sweden is now leaning towards Capitalism which means it will compete with the US to make the most profits with the least amount of resources. With more government intervention in other countries it would be easier for Capitalist to make a profit. In Source 2, the author believes the government should increase their intervention in the economy to distribute the wealth more evenly

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