Capitalism: Corruption Of The Middle And Lower Class

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Today’s society is ruled by capitalism, where private owners control the trade and industry for profit. A small percentage of the population makes up the upper class, while most people belong to the middle and lower class. In this superficial world, people desire luxury, and capitalism elicits that desire. In order to survive, laborers must work their entire life Therefore, capitalists, or the bourgeois, the class that controls the means and modes of production, see an opportunity to abuse the working class, the proletariat, and use them for their own gain . Capitalism permits the exploitation of resources and workers, which divide people into different classes; this can be resolved by enforcing regulation of resources, abolition of …show more content…

Many of the big corporations filed bankruptcy causing a global recession. While millions of people lost their jobs and houses, the CEOs of those companies were able to earn millions of dollars, and they were able to keep the money despite the corruption that occurred. This proves that the upper class are able to gain profit while the rest of the middle and lower class suffer. On another note, in the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx states, “It has agglomerated population, centralized means of production, and has concentrated property in a few hands” (CITE), expressing that private properties are run by few capitalists, which means that they solely control the means of production. This is done through the ownership of large factories and heavy machinery that perform most of the work. By implementing these technologies, they also control the rate of employment. They control the employees’ wages, as well as the hours that the laborers work. Since the machines do all the work, workers are poorly compensated, yet they work more hours. By providing opportunity for more hours, …show more content…

First, the powerful people in the investment banking industry caused the global recession. There is something wrong if these people were able to manipulate and take advantage of the economy for their own benefit, and get away with it. If the government enforced regulations on derivatives, the economic recession could have been prevented. One of the main issue with capitalism is that the means of production were in the hands of a few people in the upper class. In “Capital”, Marx says that “The Bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society” (CITE), stating how the bourgeois controls society since they are in charge of producing goods. This could be resolved by allowing the whole community to control the means of production, which could lead to the bourgeois losing power and social status. Then, everyone will finally be equal, and class distinctions will be abolished. Another way to abolish social classes would be to get rid of private property: “Not the abolition of property in general, but the abolition of bourgeois property. But the modern bourgeois private property is the final and most complete expression of the system of producing and

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