Capitalism And Gay Identity Summary

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Gay Identity and the Affectional Community In the closing statements of John D’Emilio’s article Capitalism and Gay Identity, he posits “that the relationship between capitalism and family is fundamentally contradictory. One the one hand, capitalism continually weakens the material foundation of family life… On the other, it needs to push men and women into families … The elevation of the family to ideological preeminence guarantees that capitalist society will reproduce not just children, but heterosexism and homophobia” (474). D’Emilio points out that “the instability of families and the sense of impermanence and insecurity that people are now experiencing in their personal relationships are real social problems that need to be addressed. We need political solutions for these difficulties of personal life” (474-5). D’Emilio then briefly outlines an economic replacement for capitalism and a social replacement for the family. His idealized economy is a form of socialism which emphasizes “community- or worker-controlled daycare, housing where privacy and community coexist, neighborhood institutions” (475). And his idealized social structure is the “affectional community,” which is an extension and development of current “networks of support that do not depend on the bonds of …show more content…

The image portrays two men with a young child; replace “two men” with “a man and a woman” and the image would portray the very definition of the traditional nuclear family. The title of the photograph (as found in the hyperlink) “two-dads-with-baby” gives the men’s identities as “dads,” for that is the defining aspect of their identity in the context of the nuclear family, and immediately contextualizes the baby as their dependent through familial ownership. Their representation as well-dressed, white and smiling displays their adherence to capitalist ideals of lifestyle and personal

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