Cancer Informative Speech

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Introduction: Craig, after 28 years of struggling with a terminally ill disease, decided his quality of life was too poor. He'd had so many surgical procedures the thought of enduring more was unbearable. He could find no legal assistance to help him die. On the night of September 1, 2009, he swallowed 12 sleeping pills, put two plastic bags over his head tied with elastic bands and was found dead by his parents the next morning. (July 12, 2014 Guardian article) If your the parents how would you feel? Likely at lost because you are left wondering how much pain and suffering he had to go through before it comes to an end. Today I will tell you about the prevalence of this issue. The California legislature legal system denied Death with …show more content…

Significance:What is the first leading causes of death in America? Stroke! Cancer is the 2nd the leading cause death in America. Cancer causes so much pain and suffering for those terminally ill cancer patients. According to Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program Turning Cancer Data Into discovery showed that approximately 40 percent of men and women will be diagnosed with all cancer sites at some point during their lifetime, based on 2010-2012 data. It also mentions that in 2005 to 2012, with in the 5 year spans of those who developed cancer that only 66.5 percent of them actually survive. This prove that the problem still exists regardless so why not legalizing euthanasia. The death with dignity act. (SEER Stat Fact Sheets) B. The California legislature is the one to blame because they refuse to legalize euthanasia. The death with dignity act. Since they refuse to legalize euthanasia, according to the national cancer institute said that there are 231,840 new cancer for 2015 and an estimate of 589,430 will die. Of the 589,430 that will die is terminally ill and will suffer tremendous pain and suffering. If the impending of their death happens regardless why not let go with dignity. That is why I am implementing this plan to legalizing euthanasia to put a stop of suffering

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